Friday, October 16, 2009


The fourth term is off to a busy start with summer sports starting and the matrics only 3 weeks away from writing their final exams. Gook luck to all of you.

The RCL has compiled all the results of the tuckshop survy, now presenting it to our governors and hoping for a new and improved tuckshop at the beginning of nexst year – clearly shown by the results, that one is desperately needed.

We are also presenting the winner of the recycling competition on Friday the 16th of October. Winners will receive Vida e Caffé gift vouchers as well as food vouchers for Pick'n'Pay.

The prefects are currently working on getting supporters jerseys made, for all who wish to wear them to mainly sporting events. The jerseys may be worn by parents, past pupils or even teachers. The jerseys will show off our school and give us a good all round image to visitors.

The RCL, excluding the matrics, are also busy planning an end of year function (as a present) for all Grade 12's, before they leave. This event looks to be promising and all parents are welcome too!

So, good luck to all for the 4th term. Any queries or comments, feel free to write on our blog.

All our love, the RCL.

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